Why Choose Us
Our logistic ways
  • Containers
    We offer transportation to the most popular destinations. Our goal is to provide our customers with the most cost-effective services and adequate information about what is happening in the market.
  • Car transportation
    Our company offers a complete car shipping package organized personally for your needs. We customize it to your needs to provide you with the best possible service.
  • Rail transportation
    Ivatrade offers a complete package of rail transportation services according to your needs and preferences.
    Our main rail transportation routes cover a large number of countries. We use a fleet of rolling stock to fulfill different customer needs, ensuring reliable delivery.
  • Heavy-duty transportation
    Our company offers both domestic and international transportation of oversized cargo. We use the most modern technologies when providing our services.
    The international network of our partners allows us to deliver cargo all over the world, safely and controlling the situation from start to finish.
  • Air transportation
    Air transport is the fastest and safest mode of transportation. Thanks to our partner network, we can deliver anything from a small parcel to an entire flight to the most remote corners of the world.
  • Chartering
    Our company provides chartering services. It is a complex operation requiring knowledge of the freight transportation market, types of vessels used, shipping laws and specific shipping language.
    You can be sure that you will get the most competitive price and the best terms under the chartering contract.